Scooby Cam Tools C4d Model

Once you are in the correct layout, you can begin modeling your die. Start by creating a rounded cube using a cube primitive:
1. In the tool bar directly below the main menu, click the icon that has a picture of a light blue cube. You should see a cube appear in the viewport. In the Objects tab (located on the right side of your screen) a Cube object should also appear.
2. In the lower right hand corner of your screen, there should be a window labeled Attributes which contains four separate tabs: Basic, Coord., Object, and Phong. Make sure that the tab labeled Object is highlighted. Set the Size values of X, Y, and Z to 250 (Picture 2).
3. Click on the box next to the word Fillet to give the cube rounded edges (Picture 2) . Set the Fillet Radius to 15. You should now have a rounded cube as seen below.
Note: If at any time you make a mistake in your modeling, you can always undo your work by hitting Ctrl-Z on the keyboard and Ctrl-Y to redo. If you are using a Mac, use the Apple key in place of Ctrl.Remember that it is okay to make mistakes. If necessary, you can always go back and redo parts of this tutorial. Take your time. Try not to rush through each step.

  • Free C4D Plugin: Modeling Cam. A very cool new Cinema 4D plugin by the incredibly talented AJ Haines called the Modeling Cam. What the plugin allows you to do is very easily create a model in the perspective view from an image.
  • This is a tool for Cinema 4D that takes you through the projection mapping and modelling process easily putting all the tools you need at your fingertips. Modeling Cam 2.0 Info. To not only setup camera projections faster but be able to quickly zoom in and fine tune the details of you projection models. The Projection mapping process.

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Scooby 3D models. 2 3D Scooby models available for download. 3D Scooby models are ready for animation, games and VR / AR projects. Use filters to find rigged, animated, low-poly or free 3D models. Available in any file format including FBX, OBJ, MAX, 3DS, C4D.

3d graphics, CAD-CAM-CAE file type extensions
(1226 file extension database entries)

List of file extensions used for 3d graphics file formats, related to 3D graphics software, CAD/CAM/CAE software and 3D visualization tools

3d graphics, CAD-CAM-CAE file extension list

List of file extensions used for 3d graphics file formats, related to 3D graphics software, CAD/CAM/CAE software and 3D visualization tools.

3d graphics

3D computer graphics file formats are graphics files, which use a three-dimensional representation of geometric data, that is stored in the computer for the purposes of performing calculations and rendering of 2D images or animations.
Such images may be used for real-time viewing or later display. 3D computer graphics are using many of the same algorithms as 2D computer vector graphics in the wire-frame model and 2D computer raster graphics in the final rendered display. In computer graphics software, the distinction between 2D and 3D is occasionally blurred, as 2D applications may use 3D techniques to achieve effects such as lighting and primarily 3D applications may use 2D rendering techniques.

The most popular 3D graphics applications are 3D Studio MAX, Blender, Cinema 4D, LightWave 3D, Maya or Rhino 3D.


The term CAD/CAM/CAE is a abbreviation of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) and Computer-Aided Engineering. The term CAD/NC (Numerical Control) has equivalent meaning in some industries.
CAD/CAM software are using CAD drawing tools to describe geometric data used by the CAM portion of the program to define a tool path that will direct the motion of a machine tool to machine the exact shape of the object that was drawn.

The most popular CAD/CAM software are AutoCAD, Alphacam, ArchiCAD, STAAD.Pro, Catia, NX and more.

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Sort by: ExtensionSort by: File type description
file extension dwgAutoCAD drawing
file extension skpSketchUp graphics
file extension x_tParasolid model (text)
file extension prtCAD 3D part or component
file extension stpISO-10303 STEP product data
file extension max3ds Max (3D Studio MAX) scene
file extension pvzProductView packaged structure and drawing
file extension dxfAutoCAD DXF Drawing Exchange Format
file extension bimxArchiCAD BIMx 3D scene
file extension lay6Sprint-Layout document
file extension jtJT Open CAD 3D model format
file extension pdsprjProteus project
file extension obj3D object graphics
file extension stepISO-10303 STEP product data
file extension rfaAutodesk Revit Architecture family data
file extension circLogisim circuit data
file extension 3ds3ds Max (3D Studio MAX) graphics
file extension nczNetcad drawing
file extension sldprtSolidWorks CAD part
file extension ptsPointCloud 3D data
file extension stlStereolithography CAD data
file extension dftSolid Edge drawing
file extension nc1Xsteel CAD drawing
file extension iptAutoDesk Inventor CAD part
file extension rvtAutodesk Revit Architecture project
file extension parSolid Edge CAD part
file extension c4dCINEMA 4D file format
file extension 3mf3D Manufacturing Format
file extension asc3D Studio Max 3D ASCII scene
file extension igsIGES 3D exchange format
file extension schCAD schematics
file extension sxeProfiCAD document
file extension sat3D ACIS model
file extension 3dxmlDassault Systems Universal 3D XML document
file extension wrlVRML Worlds 3D graphics
file extension daeCollada 3D digital asset exchange data
file extension mprojMine-imator project
file extension plnArchiCAD solo project
file extension miCoCreate CAD drawing
file extension dwfAutodesk Design Web Format
file extension smg3DVia Composer model
file extension easmSolidWorks eDrawing assembly data
file extension a3pAlice 3 project
file extension dwfxAutodesk Design Web Format
file extension nwdNavisWorks snapshot
file extension pcbPrinted circuit board design
file extension mvlMedison 3D volume data
file extension expCATIA export data
file extension sh3dSweet Home 3D design
file extension rpfAutodesk AutoCAD pattern definition
file extension mbAutodesk Maya binary scene
file extension fcstdFreeCAD drawing
file extension stpzCatia compressed STEP document
file extension mdl3D GameStudio model entity
file extension e3aCarrier HAP project
file extension opjOrCAD capture project
file extension sldasmSolidWorks assembly data
file extension shxAutoCAD shape compiled data
file extension planChief Architect plan
file extension p5dDynaCAD parts document
file extension catpartCATIA part data
file extension plaArchiCAD project archive
file extension brdEAGLE Circuit Board data
file extension rosDynamite VSP rail object style data
file extension vwxVectorWorks design
file extension mcdVectorWorks drawing
file extension xv2V-XVL geometry data
file extension crv3dVectric Aspire 3D drawing
file extension ms14NI Multisim circuit design
file extension layPro/ENGINEER layout
file extension sheMedusa 2D CAD data
file extension 3drep3D geometry data
file extension eprtSolidWorks eDrawing part
file extension fbxAutodesk Kaydara 3D data exchange format
file extension slddrwSolidWorks CAD drawing
file extension blendBlender 3D data
file extension modelCATIA V4 model
file extension cadCAD drawing
file extension schdocAltium Designer schematic capture binary data
file extension maAutodesk Maya ASCII scene
file extension 3d3D drawing CAD data
file extension 123PCB123 circuit board design
file extension sdfaexocad 3D data
file extension rsdocDesignSpark Mechanical 3D document
file extension emseMachineShop CAD design
file extension idwAutodesk Inventor drawing
file extension praCADRA design drafting software data
file extension 12da2D ASCII data
file extension rvmAVEVA PDMS project
file extension plyPolygon graphics
file extension cgrCATIA MultiCAx drawing
file extension m3dDIALux 3D furniture object
file extension catdrawingCATIA drawing
file extension pmdMikuMikuDance model
file extension tcwTurboCAD for Windows drawing
file extension scdocSpaceClaim 3D CAD document
file extension 123dxAutodesk 123D 3D model design
file extension sldAutodesk AutoCAD slide
file extension dgnMicroStation drawing
file extension phoGerber photoplot data
file extension bogBinary object geometry format
file extension nwfNavisWorks project
file extension 3dh3D highway base map
file extension ls6Lumion 3D model
file extension dsfDAZ Studio 3D graphics
file extension cdwKOMPAS CAD drawing
file extension mesh3D Graphic data
file extension geoVRML geography data
file extension empPro/ENGINEER import ECAD data
file extension igesIGES 3D exchange format
file extension hveHive Editor 3D environment
file extension pl13D Home Architect room plan
file extension slc3D Systems SLiCe countour data
file extension dwl2AutoCAD locked drawing
file extension mhxMakeHuman exchange format
file extension blkAutoCAD block template
file extension 3ox3Shape order exchange format
file extension edrwSolidWorks eDrawing data
file extension o3dGoogle Open 3D web graphic format
file extension vzmVentuz Director mesh data
file extension mcx-9Mastercam X9 3D model
file extension eoffexocad library
file extension lxfLEGO CAD scene
file extension ase3D Studio Max ASCII scene export data
file extension xv3P-XVL geometry data
file extension x_bParasolid model (binary)
file extension scadOpenSCAD CAD model
file extension ghGrasshopper assembly
file extension ardAlphacam router drawing
file extension cczCompressed CAMCAD PCB layout
file extension mmdlSAPPHIRE Structure model
file extension gerberPrinted circuit board photoplotter data
file extension mpAutodesk Maya personal learning edition data
file extension ifcIndustry Foundation Classes data
file extension zf3dFlare3D model
file extension tinBentley GEOPAK Environmental Modeling Systems data
file extension v3vVector Art 3D model
file extension thingMakerBot Desktop thing file
file extension sldblkSolidWorks blocks data
file extension mc9Mastercam V9 CAD document
file extension plmxmlPLM XML UGS data
file extension drf3D Studio Max scene
file extension cirSupermax ECAD saved command
file extension e3sE3.series project
file extension ad_prtAlibre Design CAD drawing
file extension ifczipIndustry Foundation Classes ZIP data
file extension tmbTMX editor user data
file extension pmxMikuMikuDance model
file extension drgAllyCAD CAD design drawing
file extension cgsCGS General Motors CAD drawing
file extension x3dX3D graphics model
file extension gpwAutoCAD Civil 3D Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension data
file extension vueAutodesk 3D Studio Max animation
file extension v3dViaCAD 3D drawing
file extension 3dm3D NURBS CAD data
file extension sdexpCreo Elements/Direct model
file extension pdaAutodesk pond outflow data
file extension dsnProteus Design Suite electronics design
file extension pinArchiCAD data
file extension hsfHOOPS 3D graphics
file extension wkfVISI CAD work data
file extension unvI-DEAS data
file extension edzEPLAN data zipped archive
file extension bdlCoCreate Designer design bundle
file extension cwzCircuit Wizard circuit design
file extension cncCNC machine tool path file
file extension psmSolid Edge document format
file extension h3dAltair HyperView 3D model
file extension coCobalt 3D model
file extension b3dBodyPaint 3D format
file extension mcxMastercam X and X2 file format
file extension ipjAutoDesk Inventor project
file extension phdPunch! software CAD plan
file extension e573D Imaging Data Exchange format
file extension iamAutodesk Inventor assembly data
file extension dsnOrCAD schematic capture data
file extension axpAnvilCad CAD model
file extension exbCaxa CAD drawing
file extension acpVirtual Architecture CAD data
file extension dgkDelcam PowerMILL data
file extension 3wXYZware 3D document
file extension smpAutodesk sampled station list
file extension dwzCompressed AutoCAD drawing
file extension w2dAutodesk Design (Drawing) Web Format 2D file
file extension minOrCAD PCB layout
file extension dchDipTrace schematics
file extension stdSTAAD.Pro import/export file for steel FEA
file extension anlAlphacam nest list
file extension a3dAmapi 3D modeling data
file extension rhRight Hemisphere 3D drawing file
file extension pobPunch! CAD 3D graphics data
file extension sptSpeedTree 3D tree graphics
file extension n2kmHeadshape Modding 3D Tool for 3D Studio Max modding data
file extension partPTC Pro/Engineer CAD part
file extension $acAutodesk AutoCAD autosave
file extension ivSGI Inventor 3D format
file extension fp3FloorPlan 3D design
file extension kssFabTrol MRP template
file extension sv$AutoCAD autosave
file extension u3dUniversal 3D format graphics
file extension gdoCC430 Gerber file
file extension dxeAutoCAD data extraction template
file extension dgrMicroStation CAD design
file extension dr4AllyCAD drawing
file extension assbinSubstance Painter scene
file extension gdsIntegrated Circuit design
file extension mcx-5Mastercam X5 3D model
file extension draOrCAD PCB drawing
file extension artArtCAM Pro model data
file extension caxVCollab 3D model
file extension cvxCanvas drawing
file extension s3dxShape3D drawing
file extension sab3D ACIS binary data
file extension stoPRO100 project
file extension ztlZBrush ZTool data
file extension z3dZModeler 3D graphics format
file extension atdAlphacam lathe drawing
file extension zsolM & S Steel Corp. model file
file extension ckdCADKEY design
file extension wrpGeomagic 3D wrap
file extension br4Bryce version 4 scene
file extension adskAutodesk data exchange file
file extension m2World of Warcraft model object file format
file extension obgZBrush mesh data
file extension ribRenderman Interface Bytestream 3D graphics data
file extension catproductCATIA product description document
file extension dufDAZ Studio DSON user file
file extension bvhBiovision Hierarchy Animation file
file extension 254Pro/Engineer versioned data
file extension z13EPLAN e-mail project
file extension rs8ProSource data
file extension c2Pov-Ray for Windows 3.x scenes advanced newltpot data
file extension prjpcbAltium Designer project file
file extension br5Bryce version 5 scene
file extension ktrKeyTruss truss data
file extension xprPTC Pro/ENGINEER part data
file extension ls4Lumion exported full scene
file extension 3deDeskArtes 3D file
file extension rhmRight Hemisphere material data
file extension pl23D Home Architect second level floor plan
file extension gkoGerber keep out layer
file extension ds4Micrografx Designer graphics data
file extension slddrtSolidWorks general table template
file extension ghaGrasshopper assembly data
file extension pkgOneSpace designer package
file extension 3dcCanvas 3D model
file extension makerbotMakerBot print data
file extension lycbestIMAGE compressed drawing
file extension gtlGerber top layer file
file extension pxp3D Studio Max process data
file extension a2lASAP2 ECU description file
file extension 3dmfMac OS Quickdraw 3D metafile
file extension sznHiCAD 3D CAD drawing
file extension drwdotSolidWorks drawing template
file extension pskUnreal Engine character model mesh
file extension vrsceneVRay scene data
file extension rftRevit Architecture template
file extension mccCAD drawing
file extension lwoLightWave 3D object
file extension rdsRay Dream 3D animation
file extension vwfCADvance drawing
file extension ms12NI Multisim12 circuit design
file extension 3dlLightConverse 3D model
file extension iveOpenSceneGraph model
file extension animUnity animation clip
file extension lfxLand F/X project
file extension e3dMacromedia Extreme 3D object
file extension asmSolid Edge assembly data
file extension offDEC 3D Object File Format
file extension dzpDirectorZone particle effect
file extension pdmsPlant Design Management System file
file extension gtcGraitec Exchange Format file
file extension asmdotSolidWorks assembly template
file extension agzAggFlow aggregate plant flow diagram
file extension cdfCyberspace Description Format
file extension seeLISCAD Plus CAD design
file extension sosDynamite VSP swept object style
file extension szaHiCAD neXt construction drawing
file extension mcx-6Mastercam X6 3D model
file extension amdAlphacam 3D Mill, 2D Mill drawing
file extension ppzPoser compressed prop file
file extension aptAlphacam punch tool data
file extension angAIMSUN NG related data
file extension 3dciGO 3D building data
file extension skeBattlefield 2 skeleton data
file extension vcdVisualCADD drawing
file extension flxFLIC animation file
file extension usdzUSDZ Augmented Reality File Format
file extension broTree Professional Broadleaf vegetation 3D model
file extension edwSolidWorks eDrawing data
file extension xmt_txtParasolid CAD format
file extension tsoNX2 file 3D faceted spacial volume data
file extension af3DPlus model
file extension rmsRiverCAD modeling system data
file extension trlTopocad roadline data
file extension vrimgChaos Software V-Ray picture image
file extension sldlfpSolidWorks library part
file extension addAlphacam CAD/CAM die-cut drawing
file extension 2dVersaCAD 2D CAD drawing
file extension drwProE / Creo Parametric 2D CAD data
file extension o2cObjects to See 3D file format
file extension vdclVectorDraw compressed drawing
file extension gcdGeneric CADD Drawing format
file extension ms13NI Multisim circuit design
file extension bsBall and Stick chemical modeller
file extension tcdTurboCAD for DOS file
file extension stbAutoCAD R2000 plot style table
file extension xshXshade data
file extension mcx-7Mastercam X7 3D model
file extension ndwAllplan CAD/BIM file
file extension 2cdDoubleCAD CAD data
file extension sh3fSweet Home 3D model library
file extension polInnovMetric Software 3D polygon models format
file extension getPov-Ray 3D graphics
file extension caeAbaqus CAE model
file extension smlSimile model
file extension mcx-8Mastercam X8 3D model
file extension p2dPointLineCAD 2D drawing
file extension 3dpAutodesk 123D photo scene file
file extension vrmlVirtual Reality Modeling Language 3D model
file extension cktB2 Spice circuit design
file extension xrlRapidform XOR/XOS 3D scan CAD data
file extension prtprpSolidWorks part custom properties tab template
file extension hdzPoser compressed hand pose data
file extension hpxMetaVR 3D model
file extension linAutoCAD linetype definition
file extension hd2Poser hand pose data
file extension scprtSurfcam 3D format
file extension sceneVCollab scene
file extension ghxGrasshopper data
file extension mf1I-DEAS model
file extension fisDynamite VSP feature interpretation style
file extension pp2Poser prop data
file extension csm3ds Max Character Studio Maker
file extension rxlSeetrax Ranger CAD drawing
file extension xvleXtensible virtual world description language file
file extension aglArgusLab molecular graphics modelling data
file extension lsLightscape solution
file extension c1Pov-Ray for Windows 3.x scenes advanced newltpot file
file extension pneArchiCAD 9 Education BIM data file
file extension gbrGerber (PCB) file
file extension 3dfQuickDraw 3D data
file extension g3dGOM ATOS 3D scan file
file extension imotioniClone motion capture file
file extension xglXGL 3D CAD model
file extension dcdDesignCAD technical drawing
file extension hxnHexagon 3D model
file extension osgbOpenSceneGraph binary scene data
file extension anfANSYS DesignModeler data
file extension ac$AutoCAD undo info data
file extension vnsceneEdgeFX scene
file extension loxTherion 3D model
file extension gddGerber drill drawing data
file extension ykaYenka model
file extension vdaCAD VDA-FS data exchange format
file extension slbAutodesk AutoCAD slide library
file extension mc3Bridge Design Modeler 3D match-casting geometry control
file extension xfrXfrog vegetation graphics
file extension m01MicroStation modification resource data
file extension 3dmk123D project
file extension nffHaines Neutral File Format
file extension ig2IGES CAD data
file extension asbAlphacam stone VB macro
file extension maxOrCAD layout
file extension brdCadence PCB design
file extension sepSEE Electrical project
file extension smlxSteel Markup Language document
file extension dwgBravoDRAFT detailer data
file extension mb4Model Builder model design file
file extension xfaOneCncXR CAD data
file extension tsb3dMD or 3Q Viewer 3D image
file extension rvzAVEVA Review 3D model
file extension brcBryce version 2 scene
file extension mprwoodWOP data
file extension dwsAutoCAD standardization data
file extension lxoLuxology modo 302 3D drawing
file extension wdsWohnungsPlan 3D project
file extension mkdCAD6 drawing
file extension igbGoogle Earth model
file extension epxPiranesi 3D model
file extension ladDaylon Leveller animation data
file extension gmtrFactor model
file extension irfAutodesk Impression drawing
file extension binMicrografx Designer 7 project image
file extension ewdEasyWOOD file
file extension rzpRazen PCB design
file extension c3d3D biomechanics data standard
file extension xspAutodesk existing ground section data pointer
file extension aefELECTRICAL Designer related data
file extension gpbGerber bottom pad master data
file extension g2Gerber inner routing layer 2
file extension bmxAlpha Five image library
file extension CATfctCATIA CATfct data
file extension yakKayakFoundry 3D design
file extension ldmVolumeViz multi-resolution volume image
file extension 3wsCityEngine web scene
file extension komKit-O-Mat 3D model
file extension _pdCADDS data
file extension lwsLightWave scene
file extension xasPTC Pro/Engineer assembly data
file extension obkOrCAD capture design or library
file extension aldAlphacam laser CAD drawing
file extension g1Gerber inner routing layer 1
file extension brpTree Professional Broadleaf Creator image
file extension 3koNGRAIN 3D format
file extension lpLightscape 3D object
file extension raaMaya Exporter RiTE ASCII animation
file extension aecDataCAD drawing
file extension bosDynamite VSP building object style
file extension cdeCADKEY dynamic extension file format
file extension 3b3D-Coat project
file extension catanalysisCATIA analysis data
file extension skbaSketchBook Pro animation data
file extension arpAlphacam router post data
file extension fpfIKEA Home planner file
file extension kgmKeyTERRA-FIRMA ground model
file extension cniCWBench file
file extension mdlLectra Modaris clothing design
file extension adjLISCAD adjustment data
file extension aedAlphacam wire EDM drawing
file extension vdmlVectorDraw drawing data
file extension nciMastercam toolpath data
file extension ge3Mastercam geometry data
file extension 3dmapCATIA 3dmap data
file extension catalogCATIA catalog
file extension pz2Poser pose data
file extension vtaValve face flex
file extension zglCompressed XGL 3D CAD model
file extension tvaTruevision3D animated actor data
file extension dwtAutoCAD template
file extension 3dxRhino 3D graphic
file extension amfAdditive Manufacturing Format
file extension rvdVPHybridCAD native drawing format
file extension alpAlphacam laser post data
file extension ambAlphacam 3D Mill or 2D Mill VB macro
file extension fabbprojectnetfabb Basic project
file extension re2NEK5000 mesh file
file extension prwArtlantis shader preview
file extension dwkAutodesk AutoCAD locked DWG drawing
file extension icsIronCAD 3D CAD data
file extension ms7NI Multisim v7 circuit design
file extension ginspect_prjGOM Inspect project
file extension aoiAOI scene data
file extension sgoSansGUI object library
file extension sldtbtSolidWorks general table template
file extension sldwldtbtSolidWorks Weldment Cutlist template file
file extension shpAutoCAD shape file or source file for text fonts
file extension imwImageware Surfacer 3D CAD surface geometry file
file extension ndoNendo data
file extension opbBryce object
file extension scut2Easy Cut Studio project
file extension staticmeshBattlefield 2 static mesh
file extension lnd3D Landscape data
file extension coaCaligari trueSpace 3D object
file extension proGeneral project file
file extension ms3dMilkShape 3D model
file extension ms11NI Multisim v11 circuit design
file extension v16BrainVoyager QX high-resolution 3D anatomical data
file extension 3dv3D VRML world data
file extension mviAutodesk AutoCAD movie command
file extension amtAlphacam 3D Mill, 2D Mill tool
file extension obcAICON 3D Scanner photogrammetry data
file extension gofGameExchange raw object definition data
file extension lm3Bosphorus Database data
file extension lt2Poser light set
file extension prtdotSolidWorks part template
file extension skchrSketchChair design
file extension maniMine-imator project
file extension hcpHydroCAD project
file extension blnGolden Software Blanking file format
file extension rwkBentley InRoads project
file extension rteAutodesk Revit Architecture template
file extension bbcdBobCAD-CAM drawing
file extension bhwBlophome published project
file extension hrcAutodesk Softimage 3D model
file extension eilEagle library intermediate data
file extension gboGerber bottom overlay (silk screen) file
file extension rtexRhino 3D texture
file extension minOkuma CNC program
file extension hffL3DT heightfield data
file extension mc8Mastercam V8 file
file extension gtwGen-Trix graphic data
file extension brtBooria Carpet Designer robotuft project
file extension gxaGeneral CADD attribute data file
file extension gd1Gerber format
file extension caseEnSight results data
file extension ab$Autodesk AutoCAD plot spooling data
file extension spfStruCAD 3D model
file extension bmi3d Studio Max plugin
file extension sprQuake 3D engine sprite
file extension ipdImpact CAD drawing
file extension hqfQuiltCAD stitch data
file extension skdAutodesk Autosketch drawing database
file extension hipncHoudini apprentice file
file extension vskVicon iQ skeleton template file
file extension sldrevtbtSolidWorks revision table template file
file extension idfAutodesk intensity duration frequency factors data file
file extension xtcXTrkCAD project
file extension datTecplot ASCII data
file extension c3xmlChem3D XML format

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Scooby Cam Tools C4d Models

Scooby cam tools c4d model 2017

Otc Cam Tools