Wordpress Search Plugin Pdf

Search for: Search plugins. Showing results for: free-pdf-plugin. WooCommerce (2,918 total ratings) WooCommerce is a powerful, extendable eCommerce plugin that helps you sell anything. Generate PDF files and print WordPress posts/pages. Customize document header/footer styles and appearance. For getting search results of attachment files such as.png.jpeg.jpg.pdf.gif.bmp and more, you can use custom WordPress search plugins. Because these plugins are specially made to search any type of files or attachments on a WordPress site. PDF viewer for WordPress is a premium plugin that helps you display PDFs on your WordPress site. With over 2,700 sales, it’s the best-selling PDF plugin at Code Canyon. All the embedded PDFs are responsive, so visitors can view them on all devices.

Wordpress search plugin pdf download
Active8 years, 1 month ago

I have a 32 page 6 megabyte pdf that i would like to embed for viewing on my wordpress site. However I need the text in it to be searchable by the wordpress search bar (i am willing to edit the search functions to do this) I tried converting the pdf to html but had no success. Any scripts, hacks, or plugins would help. Im open to any and all sugestions.

Bill W.Bill W.

1 Answer

Google can index the content of PDF files, though I'm not sure if Bing can. What I suggest that you do, considering that you don't want to convert your PDF files to HTML then post it on your site, is to change from the built in Wordpress Search, and instead use the Google Search Plugin.

Wordpress Search Engine Plugin

You can use the Google Custom Search widget, or use the API.

Maybe Ligit might help, provided that they use Google to search your site.

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Active2 years, 9 months ago

I'm looking for a plugin to extend the search into the content of attachments (typically text file like doc or Pdf).


closed as off-topic by S.L. Barth, Martijn PietersDec 2 '16 at 11:10

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  • 'Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.' – S.L. Barth, Martijn Pieters
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4 Answers

This topic in the WordPress support forums addresses this question, and suggests Google custom search, which should in theory search PDFs and DOCs and would be easy to set up and try, or the Search Everything plugin, which might be what Jeff said doesn't work in his comment above.

There's also the Sphider Wordpress plugin, an search plugin that claims to support indexing PDF and DOC files. It might be more difficult to set up, but it's the best option I can find.


I had this same need (indexing contents of uploaded files) and was amazed there was no plugin that allows this. The above do not work, and searching gave nothing.

So - I wrote one.

It works, we're using it at work. It's not super friendly - takes a little bit of expertise to ensure java & dependency (apache tika) are working - but it does the trick.

Search plugins for wordpress

I may update it & submit to wordpress plugins - but meanwhile, if it helps anyone:


Problem: Need to use wordpress search to find text within uploaded pdf files.


Step 1. Upload your pdf(s)

Step 2. Under the description of each pdf paste the following:

Click the link above to view PDF

Step 3. Copy the text from the pdf and paste it in the above in place of PDFDOCUMENTTEXT

Step 4. Install Search Everything plugin and then activate. Your searches should now return results including a list of attachment pages that include the text within the pdfs but will direct the user to click on the pdf link.

If anyone else knows of a better way to do this please let me know.

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A RoseA Rose

I have found one solution. Maybe it will work for you also :

Masala Plugin : https://github.com/nanodust/masala , which actually add new post meta field while uploading any doc/pdf/ppt/txt file. It will put the file content into newly created meta field

Pdf Plugin For Wordpress

This plugin uses :1) Java2) Apache Tika – really awesome3) Search Everything plugin which is responsible for search in meta table.

Here, you need to configure :1) Java path2) Download latest apache tika jar and you can put into your project root folder and configure path in masala.php4) Give the allowed file extensions.



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