Cg 8520 Karaokes Manual High School


The mission of the Department of Curriculum and Instructional Programs is to lead the development and implementation of innovative curriculum and instructional programs and services that promote academic excellence and creative problem solving to ensure equitable readiness for college and careers.
Major responsibilities of the Office of Instruction include:
  • Revise the K-12 curriculum to ensure alignment with Virginia standards and outcomes
  • Create formative assessment tools in reading and math to monitor student progress
  • Develop reading intervention programs for identified students based on local and state assessments
  • Provide support to schools to facilitate effective implementation of curriculum, assessments, and instructional programs
  • Provide the leadership for the implementation of standards-based grading and reporting in grades K-1
  • Support the design and delivery of professional development that ensures fidelity of curriculum implementation across all schools
  • Refine instructional programs that meet the needs of diverse learners, including students with disabilities, those who are highly able, English language learners, and students who are at risk of underachievement because of poverty
  • Maintain links with all central offices and departments to ensure consistent delivery of curriculum and instructional programs
  • Facilitate communication with employee organizations, parents, community groups, and institutions of higher education regarding reading curriculum, instruction, and assessment.

Subpages (9):Adult Education ProgramAlternative Authentic AssessmentCurriculum and InstructionESOLFederal ProgramsGifted InstructionSpecial ServicesSTEAM Night 2019Testing
Cg 8520 Karaokes Manual High School

Peoria Manual High School

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