Cs3 Licensing For This Product Has Stopped Working Crack

'Licensing for this product has stopped working' - Adobe CS3/CS4 on a Mac September 19, 2010 Recently, I had to recover my iMac from a Time Machine backup and a hard drive replacement (my old drive flaked out— see how I repaired my hard drive here (video included!).

Active1 year, 10 months ago

I'm getting the following notice in Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro:

:Error 'Licensing for this product has stopped working ...'

How do I remove this?

HennesAdobe licensing for this product has expired
59.9k7 gold badges94 silver badges144 bronze badges

2 Answers

Register it - (Never seen a problem on people who have a genuine licence key, but anyway...)

Assuming you have a legal copy

Close all Adobe programs, then Keep the directory, but delete all files in -

Next, restart any Adobe program in the same suite or just Adobe Acrobat if you purchased it on it's own (If part a suite, you have to activate other programs first).

Now register, it should activate fine. If you have a problem activating now, Contact Adobe directly. You pay so much for the products, they offer support!

William HilsumWilliam Hilsum
110k16 gold badges166 silver badges257 bronze badges

The culprit is often 'FLEXnet' which verifies the authenticity of your Adobe Program. Removing it results in the licensing error.


protected by MokubaiJul 23 '14 at 20:06

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Active1 year, 10 months ago

I'm getting the following notice in Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro:

:Error 'Licensing for this product has stopped working ...'

How do I remove this?

59.9k7 gold badges94 silver badges144 bronze badges

2 Answers

Register it - (Never seen a problem on people who have a genuine licence key, but anyway...)

Assuming you have a legal copy

Licensing For This Product Has Stopped Working Acrobat

Close all Adobe programs, then Keep the directory, but delete all files in -

Next, restart any Adobe program in the same suite or just Adobe Acrobat if you purchased it on it's own (If part a suite, you have to activate other programs first).

Now register, it should activate fine. If you have a problem activating now, Contact Adobe directly. You pay so much for the products, they offer support!

William HilsumProductWilliam Hilsum
110k16 gold badges166 silver badges257 bronze badges

The culprit is often 'FLEXnet' which verifies the authenticity of your Adobe Program. Removing it results in the licensing error.


protected by MokubaiJul 23 '14 at 20:06

Adobe Error Licensing For This Product Has Expired

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